Postings In Pool Talk

So you have bought a new home with a swimming pool or have recently installed a pool and it’s time to close your swimming pool for the season. You’ve read up on how to close the swimming pool, but how do you cover it when it’s done and ready for winter.  At [COMPANY NAME], we recommend using a

The warm weather is here and the pool is open, but is your swimming pool up to code and are you taking the proper precautions?

Swimming Pool Fences

Swimming pool fences are not only key to keeping your pool safe when you are not around, they are also, in many ca


Imagine a calming oasis you could escape to, relax and let the cares of the day drift away. Now imagine that oasis is your own backyard! We want to help you accomplish exactly that. We offer a wide variety  of hot tub services, products and designs, making it easier th

Owning a pool is a great experience, but it does come with expenses.  Today, we want to share some simple tips that will help save you money and also help the environment.Pool CoversPerhaps one of the most simple yet often overlooked solutions to saving money. Using your pool cover when the poo

Four Fun Games for the Pool
September 15/2019
Any day spent by the pool is a good day, but sometimes we all get bored.  This Summer shake things up by injecting these 4 fun games into your old routines. These games are fun, easy and don’t require anything that you don’t have laying around the house.Games are a great way to engage with stub

Get your sun tan on…safely
September 01/2019
Who doesn’t love lounging by the swimming pool, soaking up the sun and enjoying a lazy summer day. Everyone loves to get that perfect tan. These days we understand that it’s ok to be in the sun be we have be careful and protect our skin from harmful damage.  There are lots of great tricks to he

When was the last time you changed the sand in your pool filter? Your pool filter sand is one of those things that only gets changed every so often.  Usually, every 3 or 4 years, because of this it can be easy to forget.Clean sand in your pool filter is a very important part of keeping your poo

If you have a swimming pool, then you’ll understand when we say that the length of your pool season is precious and anything you can do to extend it is certainly worth investigating.It’s All About TemperatureThe key to extending your swimming season is heating your pool.  In Canada, where we ha

We all know how much fun pools can be, but fun is only one of their benefits. Swimming and other water activities are fantastic methods of exercise! With a touch of that summer fun thrown in, you can get an entire, well-balanced workout in the pool and not even notice it. We have some simple pool ex

Opening your swimming pool is one of the first priorities of Summer and we want to help you get off to the right start.  We’d be happy to help you open your swimming pool, but if you have the do it yourself spirit, here are step by step instructions on how to open your pool.Pro Tip: If this is

Eating healthy by your swimming pool can be fun and easy and delicious. Finding the perfect poolside snack however isn’t easy. The ideal snack should be light, refreshing, easily digestible and of course it has to be tasty. This Summer look like a super star chef with these 3 easy recipes.Pro Tip: N

Pools can be great fun for the entire family – including the fluffiest members. Having a pet and a pool can have tremendous benefits. It’s an easy way for your pooch to cool down in hot temperatures and it can provide them with a fantastic method o

Kids of all ages love hanging by the pool. This summer show all the kids in your life a great time by hosting the perfect pool party. Hosting a pool party should be as fun for the host as it is for the guests. With that in mind, here’s a checklist

Planning your swimming pool renovation can be a daunting task.  How to do it, who to choose and what exactly to renovate and of course when to do it are all important considerations in planning the perfect swimming po

Just because there’s a pool does not mean that everyone can or enjoys swimming in it. Not everyone swims, but everyone does love to cool off and play. Fortunately, not every fun pool activity has to involve swimming! We have some great ideas on how

Simple Swim Safety Tips
February 15/2019
We want you and your family to be happy and safe around your pool. With safety concerns out of the way you and your family can focus on the fun to be had and the memories to be made! We know that with a few standard precautions your pool and family

We love our pools and we also love our planet. We want both to be as happy and healthy an environment as possible. We want all pools to be green…just not with algae!To that end, we have put together a list of ways that you can put your pool on the

You’ve been a responsible swimming pool owner and tried your best to take good care of your investment. But now, it’s been several years and you’re starting to wonder if it’s time to replace your pool liner.

How to Find Out if You Need to Replace your pool liner


There is nothing better than a pool on a hot summer day, enjoying time with friends and family, having a few cocktails or beers poolside or just relaxing in the water in a comfortable pool lounger. However, getting your fi

While pools can be a tremendous amount of fun for the whole family, they can also be dangerous and need to be taken seriously. Water and swimming pool safety is of the ut